What is the SCIO?
The SCIO (Scientific Consciouness Interface Operations) is an equipment that uses the most advanced technology in bioenergetics integral therapy, with a computer software associated that obtains information on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels of the human being, identifying the unbalances and acting simultaneously on the correction of the detected anomalies.
How does Quantum Therapy work?
Too much stress is the main cause for most illnesses and it can be triggered by several factors: Toxicity; trauma; mental patterns; allergies; hereditary; certain habits among many other causes.
All our thoughts and actions are accompanied by electrical activity in the nervous system. Each cell in our body works within certain frequencies and the whole network of cells work together in order to maintain harmony of the body. Stress produces erratic vibrations which lead to loss of harmony, followed by trauma and illness.
This system uses a sophisticated technology which reads the users body ( just like an anti-virus in a computer ) producing test results in just a few minutes.
This reading and evaluation is accomplished through a holistic approach on the different levels of the body: from the most dense ( physical ); to the more subtle ( the emotional, mental and spiritual ).
Various items are analysed such as:
All the organs and their systems (circulation, digestive, nervous, immune, respiratory, endocrine, renal urinary, reproductive, lymphatic) the brain and brain waves, spine, bones, muscles, teeth, blood, nutritional deficiencies, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, allergies, enzymes, hormones, hereditary factors, bacteria, fungus, parasites, toxicity of the organism. At a more subtle level it analyzes the acupuncture meridians, the chakra system, emotional and mental blockage among others.
The results of this holistic approach are then analyzed by our equipment in order to obtain the energy levels and identify the most significant stress factors. Once these are recognized, it is easier to know which are the impediments for the body to self-balance, and which are the user's needs.
The correction which the body needs will be reached through applying rectifying frequencies which will correct the deficient patterns, bringing a healthier and harmonious vibration pattern, and energetically reducing the stress factors.
How to apply?
Through a none invasive process, applying 5 comfortable bands on your forehead, wrists and ankles. The user will remain dressed, sitting down and completely relaxed throughout the entire procedure, often falling asleep.
How long will the therapy last?
Each session will last between 60 and 90 minutes. The number of sessions varies according to each user. In some cases, one session is enough but it may also take several sessions which can be weekly, twice a week or monthly.
At any age from young children to older people. The communication process between the user and the equipment is independent from verbal or visual language or even conscientious thought processing.
It is not recommended to people wearing a pacemaker, during the beginning of pregnancy or with epilepsy.
What are the benefits of this system?
Quantum therapy helps the body mobilize its self healing strengths, in an ecologically pure and non invasive way.