Your balance is your well being



. Chronic pain, fatigue
. Migraines, insomnia
. Nutrition or hormonal deficiency
. Organ and system imbalance.
. Muscular pain.
. Bacteria, fungus, virus, parasites.
. Weakened immune system
. Respiratory and digestive problems.
. Cardiac arrhythmias.
. Body toxicity.
. Weight changes.
. Early aging.
. Acute or chronic infection.
. Depression or other emotional disturbances.
. Anxiety, phobias.
. Low self esteem.
. Hyperactivity.
. Addictions: Alcohol, Tobacco, drugs.
. Mental and emotional blockage.
. Attention Deficit Disorder.
. Lack of concentration and memory loss.


Sistem images

Some examples of the system's therapies:

1. Electro-acupuncture and Meridian balancing

This program recognizes the acupuncture and meridian points, while recognizing and pin pointing existing blockages. Once the evaluation is reached it sends frequencies which will correct and eliminate the blockages.

2. Nutrition

It will also recognize nutritional imbalance. It will measure the body's reaction to vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, hormones, etc. It will emit the necessary frequencies in order to correct the existing nutritional deficiencies or excess.

3. Homeopathy

This program has over 3000 homeopathic and crystal energy frequencies. It will supply the body with the holo-linguistic energy of a medication, stimulating the body to produce its own correcting frequency.

4. Homotoxicology

It will evaluate the level of detoxification the body needs. The system will test the users body and will produce information panels with the nature of the: toxics (isodes); pathogens (nosodes); hereditary energy patterns (miasmas) and behavior which may interfere with detoxification. Frequencies will be targeted towards the free radicals thus allowing the release of the toxins.

5. Scalar

It works with the hormonal/endocrinal system as well as the chakras, creating balance and restoring the energy flux of the body organs, tissues and cells.

6. Aura cleaning

It will detect and recognize the weakened spots on the aura field, related to emotional imbalance, supplying the necessary frequencies for the correction of those areas.

7. Spinal column

It will supply information regarding energy blockage on each vertebrae after which it will evaluate and correct the neuro/emotional associated connections.

8. NLP - Neuro Linguistic Programming

It is a special panel which allows energy reprogramming of mental factors. NLP program explores how we think and feel, and is used to discover the emotional cause and harmonize emotional issues.   It will also supply information regarding the emotional reactivity whether deficient or excessive and on the age during which the emotional frequencies became unbalanced as well as the biological connections associated with the "trauma". This process will detect the impeding energy and apply the appropriate correction case by case.

 9. Anti-Degeneration

This program will stimulate the immune system, destroying pathogens, de-toxin free radicals thus preventing against aging and degeneration of cells and organs.
It will accomplish an analysis of the brain wave patterns and its relation with attention deficit, hyperactivity, mental fatigue and other associated dysfunctions. The energy correction will be done as needed.

10. Brain waves

It will accomplish an analysis of the brain wave patterns and its relation with attention deficit, hyperactivity, mental fatigue and other associated dysfunctions. The energy correction will be done as needed.